Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Latest robot design

Here are photos of the robot from November 24th with views of the rear 'button' to try out.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Arm attachment photos

These photos show the attachment for the motor that will run the arm.

Karen and Sam

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Latest robot photos

Hello All,

Here are the photos of the latest version of the robot.

Karen and Sam

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Presentation Questions

FLL Team 5074 Questions

1) What is the Blood Brain Barrier?
2) How can the nanobots make it past the Blood Brain Barrier?
3) How did you come up with cure?
4) Why did smoking addiction?
5) What is a nanobot?
6) Is a nanobot Mechanical, organic or both?
7) How long is nicotine present in the brain?
8) How quick does nicotine get to the brain?
9) How does the robot get energy from the chemical reaction?
10) How did you all get along as a team?
11) Did you have any team conflicts, if so how did you resolve them?
12) How did you divide the work load?
13) How did you come up with doing a skit?
14) What was your favorite thing you learned this season?
15) Did you go on any field trips?

More Questions
16) How will the nanobot breakdown the nicotine?
17) What was your favorite thing you did this year with the team?
18) What was the hardest thing you did with the team this year?
19) Did you have fun?
20) How did you personally help the team succeed?

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Final T-Shirt Design

We have the original sketch as an option that's back on the table. The above is a more polished version of the sketch.  Let Kathy know if there are any final changes.  Otherwise we need to print our shirts for the scrimmage next week!  Thanks everyone.  Coach Dee and Patti