Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Crunch Time

Wow! Hasn't the time gone by fast?! The competition is the Saturday after next, and we still have stuff to do! Well, that really isn't that big of a deal, everyone has stuff to do at crunch time. Anyways, to get to the point we have some dates to be reminded and remember.

Friday: From 4-6 pm we have a rehersal in front of the public! This is with the robot table and presentation, so bring props and robots! At the big yellow South Valleys Library.

Saturday: From 12-4 pm we are working on the programming at the Poston's house. All of the programmers are coming, plus Ben and Trevor. Sam, Kevin, and Roslyn may come too if they like, but it's not mandatory.

Sunday: Practice like normal. 9-12 am. I'd say a bunch of thing you are supposed to bring here, but I can't remember anything? Maybe someone could edit and put it in? Thanks!
