Sunday, September 12, 2010

Field Trip Information

Add your field trip ideas and preferences here!


  1. Hello all,
    I'm working to set up a field trip to the UC Davis Center for Biophotonics, Science and Technology in Sacramento. If we choose to do this we may also be able to visit the MIND institute and learn about Autism research. Please comment and let me know if you are interested in this field trip, what days of the week are best and how many would go on the trip.
    Karen (Sam's mom)

  2. Hi Karen,
    This sounds awesome. I don't know if we can make it but if we could the best days would be Mondays in October and then Tuesdays in November. But alas that is a big IF!


  3. Hi All,

    Well, after a lot of discussion, it looks like it will be best to skip the field trip to UC Davis. It would be really cool but it is a really far drive. I think that next year we might want to plan this type of field trip for the summmer when the team is doing general research before the challenge is released.

    Now that the research project is narrowed down to smoking we should start thinking of local field trips. Let me know any ideas or connections you have and I will get to work finding resources closer to home
