Monday, October 25, 2010

Bibliography homework

Hi Everyone,

One of our goals is that our presentation "shows that your team did the research and tells about the books, magazines, websites, reports, and other resources you used to learn about your problem and those working on it." To better do this we need to create an annotated bibiography - that is a list of all the things we used for our research (books, websites, videos, etc) with a couple of lines you write about what you learned from that source. Before the next meeting you should go through all of the books, websites etc that you used for research and put them into a bibliography. You should send a copy to Roslyn and also bring a print out with you to the next team meeting on November 7th.

An easy way to do this is to use the website This website provides a tool to put the information into proper form (we should choose MLA). Along the top bar choose whether your source is a book, magazine, website etc. Then enter the info needed in the boxes. For websites all you need to do is copy and paste the URL from the site you used. The Bibme site will fill in a lot of the info you need and put it in the proper form. Then scroll down to the box that says Annotation and type in how you used the source or what you learned from it. If you set up a free account you can name and save your bibliography. Otherwise, after Bibme puts your info into proper form you can copy and save it into a Word document.

If you need further help with this ask your folks - making a bibliography is an important skill to learn and this is a great opportunity to learn it.


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