Sunday, October 17, 2010

Hi Everyone,

Today the team finished the rough first draft of the project. Sam will turn it into a script and e-mail it to all of you later this week. Please print it out and begin learning your parts. Next week we will do a run through with scripts in hand (no need to memorize it yet) This will be just the first draft of the presentation. If you have ideas for improvement, more research info, or other changes you will have many opportunities to change the presentation as you learn more.

Here is the list of the parts you chose today for the project presentation. If you would like to trade parts with another teammate once you see the script that would be OK. Just make sure that everyone knows about the change.

Narrator/Props and Music - Kevin
Scientist 1 - Sam
Scientist 2 - Ricky
Assistant - Roslyn
Robot - Price
Smoker 1 - Trevor
Smoker 2 - Caleb
2nd Hand Smoker - Adelaide
Doctor 1 - Ben
Doctor 2 - Jamie

You all did great work on the project this week and last.


  1. It sounds like there have already been a few role switches - I guess I should have checked my e-mail before I posted to the blog So, the latest lineup is...

    Doctor 2 - Kevin
    Robot - Jamie
    Narrator - Price

    The team can figure out the Props/Music managers next week.


  2. Hey Ricky here, I used my robot design and it can already do 4 missions, cant wait to see Sam"s, MAY the best robot win!!!!!!
