Monday, December 13, 2010

Dad's Day Presentation

Dad's Day Presentation
Sunday, December 19th at 12pm

Kathy and Jeri are bringing Pizza
Windee and Patti are bringing drinks
Casey is bringing sherbet
Holly is bringing a fruit salad
Dee is supply utensils, plates and napkins

If Karen and Sam can get there they are bringing another pizza

Please memorize your script for the presentation, finish your photo albums and work on your missions. Don't forget Secret Santa Gifts!

See you all Sunday!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Meeting Agendas

This Sunday, December 12th - We will finish the robots! Also, practice presentation, practice Q&A and Team Building challenge.

December 19th, January 2nd, January 9th - Final meetings. We will be having mock competition Days. Meaning, we will have judges (Mom's and Coaches) take the team through a mock competition.

Schedule something like this:
9:30am - Team presentation
9:45am - Q & A on team presentation
10am - 1st Robot Table Challenge - timed and scored
10:15am - Q & A on robot design
10:30am - Break
10:45am - 2nd Robot Table Challenge - timed and scored
11:am - Team Challenge - 5 minutes with judges watching teamwork
11:30am - 3rd Robot Table Challenge - timed and scored

Also, the whole 3 hours 2 judges will be watching for Gracious Professionalism and judging everyone on teamwork.

So basically that means this Sunday is our last meeting to finish robots and get on programming. This also means we will need to program at home!


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Latest robot design

Here are photos of the robot from November 24th with views of the rear 'button' to try out.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Arm attachment photos

These photos show the attachment for the motor that will run the arm.

Karen and Sam

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Latest robot photos

Hello All,

Here are the photos of the latest version of the robot.

Karen and Sam

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Presentation Questions

FLL Team 5074 Questions

1) What is the Blood Brain Barrier?
2) How can the nanobots make it past the Blood Brain Barrier?
3) How did you come up with cure?
4) Why did smoking addiction?
5) What is a nanobot?
6) Is a nanobot Mechanical, organic or both?
7) How long is nicotine present in the brain?
8) How quick does nicotine get to the brain?
9) How does the robot get energy from the chemical reaction?
10) How did you all get along as a team?
11) Did you have any team conflicts, if so how did you resolve them?
12) How did you divide the work load?
13) How did you come up with doing a skit?
14) What was your favorite thing you learned this season?
15) Did you go on any field trips?

More Questions
16) How will the nanobot breakdown the nicotine?
17) What was your favorite thing you did this year with the team?
18) What was the hardest thing you did with the team this year?
19) Did you have fun?
20) How did you personally help the team succeed?

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Final T-Shirt Design

We have the original sketch as an option that's back on the table. The above is a more polished version of the sketch.  Let Kathy know if there are any final changes.  Otherwise we need to print our shirts for the scrimmage next week!  Thanks everyone.  Coach Dee and Patti

Monday, October 25, 2010

Bibliography homework

Hi Everyone,

One of our goals is that our presentation "shows that your team did the research and tells about the books, magazines, websites, reports, and other resources you used to learn about your problem and those working on it." To better do this we need to create an annotated bibiography - that is a list of all the things we used for our research (books, websites, videos, etc) with a couple of lines you write about what you learned from that source. Before the next meeting you should go through all of the books, websites etc that you used for research and put them into a bibliography. You should send a copy to Roslyn and also bring a print out with you to the next team meeting on November 7th.

An easy way to do this is to use the website This website provides a tool to put the information into proper form (we should choose MLA). Along the top bar choose whether your source is a book, magazine, website etc. Then enter the info needed in the boxes. For websites all you need to do is copy and paste the URL from the site you used. The Bibme site will fill in a lot of the info you need and put it in the proper form. Then scroll down to the box that says Annotation and type in how you used the source or what you learned from it. If you set up a free account you can name and save your bibliography. Otherwise, after Bibme puts your info into proper form you can copy and save it into a Word document.

If you need further help with this ask your folks - making a bibliography is an important skill to learn and this is a great opportunity to learn it.


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Props list to be thinking about

big box for time machine- needs to be decorated with paint, knobs, etc.; constructed and cut to team specifications; roll of tape for assembly Caleb and Adelaide done

tools to "work" on time machine in skit- perhaps a large wrench, etc., maybe a large tool box Adelaide and Caleb done

robot outfit Mrs. Esau

1950s outfits- white tee shirts, jeans, poodle skirt Trevor and Caleb tees and jeans; Jamie and Patti for poodle skirt done

fake cigarettes- does the team want to buy candy cigarettes, or perhaps just use dowels cut to length and colored? Roslyn

real x-rays- one for healthy lungs, one for smokers lungs Jamie

computer and back up set- Jamie

syringe for nanobot cure for addiction administered to smokers- Caleb (Lego syringe) done

white lab coats done

scrubs done

clipboards for scientists and docs Jamie and Price
stethoscopes and surgical masks and hair caps for docs Sam
pocket protectors =) Dee
slide rule Price and Jamie
shoe booties for docs Adelaide and Caleb done

posters or some way to display information during presentation- (written information for visuals as team is performing skit)

music Kevin and Price
television frame for narrator Price

Be thinking about the short amount of time the team has to set up for the skit. Be thinking about time needed to get dressed for the skit. Logistics on getting props to the venue and setting up (ie: huge box, will it fit into a vehicle; etc.).
Feel free to brainstorm more ideas and post ideas, sources, etc.!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

For Inspiration: Check out the Design Elements from 2008 World Festival!

Take a look at:  attachments, hand-off techniques, and speed in this competition.

Bring at least 3 take aways to share with team on Sunday.  Coaches Dee and Patti

Monday, October 18, 2010

Programming Guide

Program 1: Syringe, Retrieve Person, Artery, Heart (Patch & Pacemaker), Robotic Hand - Sam is heading up this programming Team.

Program 2: Both People & White Blood Cells to Patient Area, Medicine Dispenser, Pressure Tester, Brain both parts - Jamie is heading up this Team

Program 3: Cast, Both Eyes, Bone Replacement, Bad Cell Detection - Right Now Price is heading this up but if someone else wants to take it on he is for that!

This is the tentative plan. Feel free to switch parts with teams. Also, don't feel like you are doing it all, assign areas for your team to work on.

Next week please bring robots and computers to start programming!

Our goal 1 mission complete per team!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Hi Everyone,

Today the team finished the rough first draft of the project. Sam will turn it into a script and e-mail it to all of you later this week. Please print it out and begin learning your parts. Next week we will do a run through with scripts in hand (no need to memorize it yet) This will be just the first draft of the presentation. If you have ideas for improvement, more research info, or other changes you will have many opportunities to change the presentation as you learn more.

Here is the list of the parts you chose today for the project presentation. If you would like to trade parts with another teammate once you see the script that would be OK. Just make sure that everyone knows about the change.

Narrator/Props and Music - Kevin
Scientist 1 - Sam
Scientist 2 - Ricky
Assistant - Roslyn
Robot - Price
Smoker 1 - Trevor
Smoker 2 - Caleb
2nd Hand Smoker - Adelaide
Doctor 1 - Ben
Doctor 2 - Jamie

You all did great work on the project this week and last.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

research post for Adelaide and Caleb

The robots will get into the body by an injection. They will follow the bloodstream to the brain.
(The nanobots will be all over the body in the blood, but the effect will be in the brain since that is where nicotine has its effect.)


Hey all!
I just thought I'd post on how the animation is coming along, and it's doing pretty good! Price and I haven't actually got a video yet, but we have some great ideas on it. (See below for the pictures if it works)

Heh Heh Heh....
Not the best drawer there is. :D

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Robot Design

Hi Everyone,

Here are some photos of our current robot design so that you can copy it to work on at home.


Monday, October 11, 2010

Research Questions

Oct. 10, 2010

Hey Flly Loaded,
This due Wednesday. Have fun with your research.

Please write a paragraph about your topic and post on the blog by Wednesday. You may include other information. Please include the website you referenced.

How will the NanoBot break down the nicotine in the body?

Caleb and Natalie
How will the NanoBot enter the body?

How will the NanoBot remove the nicotine in the brain?

How does nicotine effect tissue?

What behaviors are related to nicotine?

Please Blog the meeting notes.

How does the body naturally break down nicotine in the body?

Jamie and Price

I found these nanobot sites:

Nanobots replacing neurons

Video Journey Into Nanotechnology

Sunday, October 10, 2010

10/10/10 blog

First we split into our groups. Then project people presented and brainstormed. Builders built a platform. Next we did a team building game. Finally, we voted on captains and logo, and we cleaned up. Jamie, Rosyln and Trevor are captains. =)

Played ninja.

Monday, October 4, 2010

10/4/10 meeting blog

    1. Reviewed homework
    2. Listened to jamies presentation
    3. Talked about taking a survey
    4. Split into groups
    5. Builders made a "suspension"
    6. Did a team building game- helium stick
    7. Payed mafia
    8. Played catch and the ball broke XD
    9. And went home and did st00f

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Lego Team Homework Reminder

Hi Everyone,

Just a reminder about the homework for this week. Those who were in the builder group or Group A should be researching what is currently available to help people quit their smoking addiction. Those in the Programming group (Group B) should be brainstorming about possible BioEngineering solutions for smoking addiction.
Group A - Ricky, Caleb, Adelaide, Kevin and Sam
Group B - Jamie, Price, Trevor, Roslyn and Ben

It wold be great if you could e-mail your work to Coach Pattie before the team meeting onSunday. That way the project group can have all the info they need to work with in one place and in a format they can use.

Thank You,
Coach Karen

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sunday 26th meeting

There was a question about which chassis was better. We did a discussion and vote on the two different chassis designs.

We talked about team roles and who wanted which positions.

The builders worked on some designs for a carrier to carry pieces around the field. The builders worked together and made one of the designs better.

The programmers watched several programming videos.

The project people made a Power Point on smoking.

We voted that we would work on a fix for addiction.

posted by Adelaide

Key points on Project Presentation Approach

Now that you have narrowed down your research topic, think of clever ways to communicate the facts from your research, possible biomedical engineering solutions, any props you may need to present.  Remember to include as many team members as possible in the delivery of your presentation and keep the setup and presentation within 5 minutes.  You will also need to anticipate questions from the judges, so also prepare answers.  Coaches Dee and Patti

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Team Roles

Hey Team Flly Loaded!

Okay so here is the list I have of Team Roles. If team members wish to try something else or are to overwelmed with what they are doing please let us know.

Building Leader - Sam
Programming Leader - Jamie
Project Leader - Roslyn
Blogger - Adelaide
Photographers - Kevin & Caleb
Website Checker - Price
Videographers - Ben & Jamie
Captains or Co-captains (Kevin and Ricky)

We will still need:
Scrapbook keeper
Equipment Manager
Program and Data Manager

So fill out your sheets and don't forget your Research assignments and see you all next week!

Coach Patti

Who Smokes?

Review the Who Smokes Presentation.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Special Skills

Hey All,
Why don't you comment to this post and list any special Skills you have like:
I can sing and dance and hmm do cartwheels (okay I might not be able to do a cartwheel now but I used too)
Can you play an instrument? Do a flip? Make a cool movie? Write Poems? Write a Rap?
Oh how about can you sew? Make cool logos?
So comment to this post and list your cool skills.

Smoking Questions Answered - American Cancer Society

American Cancer Society

American Lung Association

For next week's assignment

Our team name is if you have forgotten it is FLLY Loaded Team.
Our theme for the next 3 months is smoking.
And it was our first week of building and programing.
We can switch if we want to do programing or building.
Our homework assignment is to research about smoking for the next 3 months.
And we are supposed to think of special skills or music or a story to go along in the tournament.
This is posted by Kevin Kruitbosch :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Project Research Reminder

Hi All,
Just a reminder that:
Building Team - please research and find 3 -5 effects from smokine (ie. yellow teeth, smokers lung etc.)
Programming Team - please research who smokes (demographics and profiles of smokers)

We will be reviewing what you all found on Sunday!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Da Vinci Robot Surgery Video

Team, Just saw a recent video tour of the Da Vinci Surgery Robot from Renown posted yesterday.  View to get ideas!  Coach Dee and Patti

Sunday, September 12, 2010

  1. We did presentations.
  2. If you didn't come to our meeting, You can bring your presentation next week.
  3. We were blind folded and each kid gave instructions to pick up different color ball, to see how hard the robot life is.
  4. Our first homework assignment is to go to the FLL, website. Read the mission objectifies.
  5. The second homework assignment is to program your LEGO robot, if you have one, to pick up a LEGO person or a toy.
  6. Next program your LEGO robot to push something, like a snowplow.
  7. Our next meeting is september 19, 2010 9:00 A.M.

submitted by Kevin Kruitbosch.

Field Trip Information

Add your field trip ideas and preferences here!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Team Names

Here's a few of my ideas, but you guys came up with some awesome ones!





Smooth Operators

Friday, September 10, 2010

After 3rd Team Meeting - Orbitron Rides

After our productive team meeting this Sunday, I will open the Orbitron for rides (after 12:00).  So, plan on staying a few minutes to experience the gravity effects.  Coach D and Patti

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Team names

Hi this is Adelaide,

I have my team names ready. They are:

Mindstorming Brains

Green Streak

Electric Mayhem

Intense Power

Fantastic Energy

Those are all I can think of.
'Bye everyone,

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Enter your Team Shirt Size

Edit this post! add your T-shirt Size
Coach- D - L
Coach-Patti - L
Parents - Add your sizes, too!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Team name ideas

Hi everyone,

Here are my ideas for the team name:

Supersonic Androids

Ace Bots

Danger High Intelligence

'Bye for now,

Team Names

Hey all! This is Jamie here!

Ok here we go with my team names. (So far)

FLLy Loaded
Batteries Included

I might edit this with more ideas later, but that's it for now! Feel free to comment with your team names! :D

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Great 2nd Meeting

Hi All,
Just testing this out.
I think we had a very productive second meeting. We have actually brainstormed presentation ideas. Next week we will try to narrow that to 5 or less. Please don't forget to blog about your topic and to list 3 team name ideas.

Have a great school week and see everyone next week! Thanks for the great snacks. Oh and BTW Kathy is doing snacks next week again and then we need a new family to do snacks for the next 3 weeks. Please let me know this Sunday if you can do the next 3 weeks. Thanks, Coach Patti

Thank you, Vocabulary

Hi team, sorry I coulodn't come but here are my ideas for sharing:

Research Homework

Research and present, paragraph:
Cure for: Cancer (lung replacement/dialysis) - Ricky
Diabetes/blood disorders: Ben
Brain Cancer: Roslyn
Artificial organs: Trevor
Smoking cure: Kevin
Curing blindness: Caleb
Curing deafness: Adelaide
Replacement joint: Sam
Autism: Jamie
Skin/dermatology: Price